

This international conference provides a unique opportunity for scientists coming from the five continents working on different fish species to come together to discuss the latest research advances in telemetry and promote international collaborations. Presentations will concern novel concepts in animal tracking; prospective works on animal welfare, new methodologies and equipment; data processing; integration, as well as recent advances in biologging for conservation. We are hoping to host at least 150 delegates from around the world in the IFREMER research station in Sète.

Sète vue du phare St Louis
Sète seen from the St Louis lighthouse © F. Ambrosino

Sète is a small typical town, very pleasant in early summer; a singular island wedged between the sea and the “Etang de Thau” with its several canals that link them. Sète is also one of the main French fishing harbour for the landing of bluefin tuna, a species that has been exploited for more than 100 years and is emblematic of the fishery resources of the Mediterranean Sea.
The UMR MARBEC is composed of researchers from different backgrounds (e.g. in Biology, Ecology or Marine Physiology) working on different species of fish exploited or reared in aquaculture (https://umr-marbec.fr/).
The team working in fish telemetry constitutes the Biologging Lab. It is composed of about twenty scientists. Its members work mainly on Thonidae but also on sharks, sea bream or seabass. They collaborate with several local laboratories CEMEB (https://www.labex-cemeb.org/en), LIRMM (https://www.lirmm.fr/lirmm-en/), and also work abroad with our partners in the EU and the South (South Africa, Indonesia, Senegal, Seychelles, Madagascar,...).
The research projects developed mainly concern the management of tuna stocks, the impact of the intense development of the FAD fishery and fish physiological and behavioural adaptation and resilience to climate change. As you know, this conference brings together scientists and experts from all over the world. The objective is to discover recent techniques and to consider new developments. As such it is an excellent opportunity for researchers, students and equipment manufacturers to meet. We hope that through the week, new contacts can be made between internationally renowned speakers, during workshops and social events and around specific trade booths for sponsors.

We look forward to seeing you, to enjoy the atmosphere of the south of France in late spring time and share in the Southern French spirit.

Welcome all!

The local committee
Marie-Laure Bégout, Jérôme Bourjea, Laurent Dagorn, Fabien Forget, Johann Mourier, Sylvie Pounhet, Marc Soria


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ICFT is a conference on fish telemetry and a marine science network launched in 2011 in Japan but the story first began with the Fish Telemetry Conference held in Europe which started in Belgium in 1995.


ICFT was designed, and still remains, a conference to address the scientific community interests. This includes the importance of obtaining information on the biology of the animals and of investigating fundamental facets of animal behaviors because it is essential for both taking management decisions and the best sustainable use of resources. Studying the characteristics of fish behaviour and spatial use with a view to manage and conserve fish populations, to promote efficient fisheries and aquaculture and to protect biodiversity is the main goal of this conference.


Quick Access

Lieux importants

La station marine de l'IFREMER est à Sète
87 Av. Jean Monnet,
34200 Sète

Rendez-vous importants

  • ICFT2023 : 11-16 juin 2023

  • L'ouverture de la soumission des résumés est le 28 octobre 2022

  • Abstract submission deadline is January 31st, 2023

  • First registration date : February 27th, 2023

    • Closing date Early bird registration : March 31st 2023

    • Closing date Standard registration: May 31st, 2023

Plenary Speakers

Rachel Graham

Pedro Afonso

Christophe Guinet

Pablo Arechavala-Lopez


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