External Workshops

The European Tracking Network (ETN) is organizing side meeting  (2-3 hours) on Sunday afternoon to present there work, an update on compatibility general introduction on ETN data-management and next things to tackle with the community. The provisional program with the speakers planned for the moment are indicated in the link below :


As sponsor ETN supports the event by funding keynote speakers and scholarships for students. Details of the funding scheme for conference grants on the website : https://www.europeantrackingnetwork.org/en/cost-funding



 Innovasea Update Presentation and Social

Thursday, June 15, 5:30pm-7:30pm

 Join us in the Saint-Clair Room at Ifremer for a presentation on the latest developments in acoustic telemetry from Innovasea

followed by an informal social gathering outside in the lunch area.

 5:30-6:30  What’s New from Innovasea, Saint-Clair Room

  • 6:30-7:30  Informal Social, Outside (hors d’oeuvres and beverages provided)

 Space is limited to 40 participants so please RSVP to nancy.edwards@innovasea.com by June 2.

You can also signup up by adding your information to this form:



Workshop on reconstructing reconstructing fish movement paths from satellite tag data
Kingfisher Marine Research and Wildlife Computers are offering a workshop on methods for fish geolocation using satellite tag data Monday at 17:00. Potential topics include a detailed discussion of light-based geolocation and general aspects of using open-source hidden Markov models as well as Wildlife Computers GPE3 location processing. Other specific topics can be addressed based on the interests of participants. Please contact Julie Nielsen for more information or to sign up (julie.nielsen@gmail.com). 
You can also sign up by adding your name and geolocation modeling interests/questions to this google document (the number of participants is limited to 40): 
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