The European Tracking Network (ETN) is organizing side meeting (2-3 hours) on Sunday afternoon to present there work, an update on compatibility general introduction on ETN data-management and next things to tackle with the community. The provisional program with the speakers planned for the moment are indicated in the link below :
As sponsor ETN supports the event by funding keynote speakers and scholarships for students. Details of the funding scheme for conference grants on the website :
Innovasea Update Presentation and Social
Thursday, June 15, 5:30pm-7:30pm
Join us in the Saint-Clair Room at Ifremer for a presentation on the latest developments in acoustic telemetry from Innovasea
followed by an informal social gathering outside in the lunch area.
5:30-6:30 What’s New from Innovasea, Saint-Clair Room
Space is limited to 40 participants so please RSVP to by June 2.
You can also signup up by adding your information to this form: