‹ Tuesday, June 13, 2023 › | |
›8:30 (45min)
› Amphithéâtre bât. CELIMER
8:30 - 9:15 (45min)
Tracking fish in aquaculture environments
Amphithéâtre bât. CELIMER
Pablo Arechavala
9:15 - 10:00 (45min)
Talks and Short talks
Amphithéâtre bât. CELIMER
Marie-Laure Bégout
› Applying spatial capture-recapture models to acoustic telemetry data collected in river networks
- Joseph Bottoms, University of Northern British Columbia
09:15-09:30 (15min)
› An Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Multi-Species Fish Connectivity in Canada's Historic Rideau Canal Waterway
- Jordanna Bergman, Carleton University
09:30-09:45 (15min)
› Timing, stability and purpose of non-spawning aggregations in adult anguillid eel
- Michael Williamson, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - Tea Bašić, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science [Lowestoft]
09:45-09:52 (07min)
› Movement behaviour and fishway performance for endemic and exotic species in a large anthropized river
- Ovidio Michael, UR FOCUS, Unité de Gestion des Ressources Aquatiques et Aquaculture
09:53-10:00 (07min)
10:00 - 10:45 (45min)
Coffee break
Amphithéâtre bât. CELIMER
10:45 - 12:15 (1h30)
Talks and Short talks
Amphithéâtre bât. CELIMER
Marie-Laure Bégout
› Quantifying the impact of habitat modifications on species behavior and mortality: case-study on floating objects and tropical tuna
10:45-11:00 (15min)
› Fine-scale analysis of acoustically tagged tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) seasonal movements around Maui Nui, Hawai'i
- Paige Wernli, Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology
11:00-11:15 (15min)
› On the edge – Deciphering movement patterns of pelagic sharks in the Arctic
- Antonia Kloecker, Institute of Marine Research [Tromsø]
11:15-11:22 (07min)
› Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System: Transitioning from Project-specific to Lake-wide Infrastructure
- Christopher Vandergoot, Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System - Christopher Holbrook, United States Geological Survey
11:23-11:30 (07min)
› Fish have tales! Can Patterns of Lake Whitefish Migration and Habitat Use Inform Research and Management in Laurentian Great Lakes?
- Richard Kraus, US Geological Survey
11:30-11:45 (15min)
› Animal welfare considerations for fish tracking studies
- Steven Cooke, Carleton University
11:45-12:00 (15min)
› Monitoring the restoration effects on the biodiversity of the city fjord in Bergen
- Saron Berhe, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
12:00-12:07 (07min)
› Habitat partinioning in sympatric sharks at French Frigate shoals atoll
- Chloé Blandino, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology
12:08-12:15 (07min)
12:15 - 14:00 (1h45)
Amphithéâtre bât. CELIMER
14:00 - 15:25 (1h25)
Talks and Short talks
Amphithéâtre bât. CELIMER
Marie-Laure Bégout
› Fin-scale behaviour of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua ecotypes
- Karl Øystein Gjelland, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
14:00-14:15 (15min)
› Comparison of the spatio-temporal behaviour of two predators in a marine protected area in Corsica.
- Jessica Garcia, Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
14:15-14:30 (15min)
› Impact of two human-made impulsive sounds on free-ranging cod in the North Sea
- Inge Van der Knaap, Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Research
14:30-14:45 (15min)
› Informing management of fisheries and offshore wind development using acoustic telemetry of spawning cod
- Alison Frey, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, School for Marine Science and Technology
14:45-14:52 (07min)
› Combining acoustic telemetry with archival tagging to investigate the spatial dynamic of the understudied pollack, Pollachius pollachius
- Marine Gonse, Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
14:53-15:10 (17min)
› Behavior and seasonal stay of Atlantic cod around artificial reefs in an offshore wind farm
- Benoit Berges, Wageningen Marine Research
15:10-15:25 (15min)
15:25 - 16:10 (45min)
Coffee break
Amphithéâtre bât. CELIMER
16:10 - 17:00 (50min)
Talks and Short talks
Amphithéâtre bât. CELIMER
Marie-Laure Bégout
› Mapping silver eel migration routes and behaviour in the North Sea and the Channel
- Pieterjan Verhelst, Research Institute for Nature and Forest
16:10-16:25 (15min)
› Behaviours and strategies of top fish predators in three different lentic systems
- Marie Prchalová, Biology Centre CAS, Institute of Hydrobiology
16:25-16:40 (15min)
› Habitat use by white sturgeon varies across seasons and hydrological conditions
- Devon Smith, University of Northern British Columbia [Prince George]
16:40-17:00 (20min)
17:00 - 18:15 (1h15)
Poster session
Amphithéâtre bât. CELIMER
Poster session
›19:30 (3h30)
19:30 - 23:00 (3h30)
Conference dinner
La Ola
Session | Speech | Logistics | Break | Tour |